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AxonOps provide various integrations for the notifications.

The functionality is accessible via Settings > Integrations

The current integrations are:

  • SMTP
  • Pagerduty
  • Slack
  • Microsoft Teams
  • ServiceNow
  • Generic webhooks



AxonOps provide a rich routing mechanism for the notifications.

The current routing options are:

  • Global - this will route all the notifications
  • Metrics - notifications about the alerts on metrics
  • Backups - notifications about the backups / restore
  • Service Checks - notifications about the service checks / health checks
  • Nodes - notifications raised from the nodes
  • Commands - notifications from generic tasks
  • Repairs - notifications from Cassandra repairs
  • Rolling Restart - notification from the rolling restart feature

Each severity (info, warning, error) can be routed independently

Errors per routing mechanism and severity levels

Source Severity Description
Backup Critical Any error that is returned from the 3rd party remote location providers.
Backup Warning Clear local snapshots timed out
Backup Warning Unable to find local snapshot
Backup Warning Local backup process erros
Backup Warning Clear remote snapshot timed out
Backup Warning Remote backup process errors
Backup Warning Unable to find remote snapshot
Backup Warning Clear remote snapshot timed out
Backup Warning Backup not triggered (Backups paused)
Backup Warning Failed to create backup
Backup Warning Failed to create remote config for backups
Backup Warning Create cassandra snapshot failed
Backup Warning Snapshot request timed out
Backup Warning Cassandra node is inactive
Backup Info Local backup created successfully
Backup Info Backup deleted succesfully
Repair Critical Update repairs error, can be casued by tables being created or removed while a repair is running
Repair Critical Any error that is generated by Cassandra for a repair processes
Repair Warning Repair segment failed
Repair Warning Repair segment timed out
Repair Warning Cassandra repair error after n-amount of retries
Repair Warning Repair unit errors
Repair Warning Repair errors for nonexistent correlation ID
Repair Warning Repair request timed out after n-amount of attempts to connect to host