Purpose-built Cassandra Monitoring out-of-the-box

Monitor Cassandra clusters like an expert from day one.

cassandra metrics

Visualize Metrics & Logs with dynamic dashboards

All your Cassandra metrics and logs ingested and surfaced through predefined, dynamic customisable dashboards to display and cross reference all your key information. Keep your finger on the pulse of a healthy cluster.

cassandra monitoring

Proactive Service Checks to never miss an issue

Fully customisable and scheduled service checks enabling you to perform any check you want on the underlying system to ensure it is as expected and alert you should the check fail. Call it the 24×7 expert heartbeat.

cassandra monitoring software

Comprehensive Alerting with enterprise-wide integration

Alert rule configurations for metrics, logs and service checks with integrations to your chosen alerting platform. Put simply all the alerts you’ll need in one place, no excuses – you can’t miss a thing.

Cassandra monitoring tools

Cassandra monitoring with dynamic, customizable dashboards

Preconfigured to present the key information required to effectively monitor Cassandra,ensuring you are able to apply cassandra best practice with ease. Built on highly efficient architecture delivering dynamic dashboards customisable to your exacting requirements.

Every Cassandra metric you need in one place including:

  • System metrics – CPU/Memory/Disk
    JVM metrics
  • Coordinator metrics with all percentiles and consistency levels
  • CQL client connection metrics
  • Anti-entropy metrics
  • Keyspace metrics with all percentiles
  • Table metrics with all percentiles
  • Threadpool metrics
  • Compaction metrics
  • Cache
  • Security
  • Dropped Messages
  • Plus many many more…
Cassandra metrics dashboard
Cassandra logs

All your Cassandra logs in the same place

AxonOps agent not only collects the performance metrics, but it collects your Cassandra logs too, A fully searchable logs dashboard allowing you to create charts comparing logs to the performance dashboards ensuring lightning fast root cause analysis.

Customizable checks on the cluster’s fundamentals

Highly configurable scheduler enables service checks across all the key operations of the Cassandra cluster. Align cluster maintenance best practices with service checks to streamline and automate the continual improvement of the health of your cluster.

Cassandra Clusters
Cassandra alerts

Alerting thresholds

Decide what to be alerted on and assign thresholds to ensure you always preempt potential issues and quickly pursue performance tuning opportunities

Configure your alert rules across all cluster operations

Establish alerts you need for every aspect of your Cassandra cluster aligned with Cassandra best practice and the demands of your business. Always put yourself in the path of preemptive maintenance and never miss something requiring your immediate attention.

Cassandra alerts
AxonOps integrations

Integrate with your chosen alerting platform

Seamlessly integrate with your preferred alerting platform and ensure Cassandra alerts are fully compliant with your organization’s enterprise architecture framework and support SLAs.

Book your free Cassandra assessment with an expert today

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